Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Stork Mystery : Solved

Expecting mothers and fathers can all sleep easier tonight. The perpetrators were caught and have given a full confession.

Police have not released their full names, but sources say they are "Reba, Joe, and Wendy" and are co-workers of Heather.

They are currently being held at the Gwinnett County Courthouse, Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 5 PM.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Grayson is helping out.

Grayson: "Hey Amber! What's wrong? Oh, I see the problem. You need new socks!"

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Stork Mystery

The facts:

At approximately 4:00 PM EST on Friday, March 20th, Greg, Heather, and Amber arrived home to find the pictured hulking monstrosity stalking bird of prey cute sign in the front yard.

Donna, Grayson, and Natalie were at the scene of the crime. Donna and Natalie both seemed to be hiding something. They obviously had knowledge of who the culprits were, but were being very uncooperative. Grayson was very tight lipped. If he knows something, he is hiding it well.

What we know:
  • The culprits supposedly came to visit us in the hospital.
  • A large corporation is involved.
  • The crime was committed between Wednesday morning at 5:30 AM and Friday afternoon at 4:00 PM.

What we don't know:

  • Is there any connection to the much maligned Christmas mystery of 2006?
  • The extent of Grayson's involvement.
  • Was Amber just a diversion?

The clues:

  • The sign cannot survive for long in windy conditions. It must have been freshly planted upon our arrival on Friday afternoon.
  • Donna, Natalie, and Grayson were most likely present at the time of the crime based upon their body language when questioned.
  • The Stork itself is older than the personalized "Amber Rose" sign, suggesting that the crime was planned long before Amber's name was finalized. In fact, the "Amber Rose" sign appears to have been freshly painted, most likely after she was born.
  • Donna suggested that we would probably have to turn over the stork at some point. But the truth is that we can retain evidence in an on-going investigation indefinitely. This means that ANSWERS WILL BE FOUND.

The investigation continues...

Amber Rose Smith is Here!

Amber Rose Smith was born on Wednesday morning, March 18th at 7:50 AM. She weighed 9 pounds 2 ounces. She was 21 inches long.

Everyone is doing great and we all came home from the hospital on Friday afternoon. Heather is already outside walking around the neighborhood.

Grayson continues to contemplate this unexpected turn of events:

God has blessed our family richly!